The other night Sarah had a cute boutique at her house with candles, bows, purses, and clothes. It was so much fun to catch up with girls that I haven't seen in a long time and the latest additions to their families.
The full reason I am writing this blog is to tell you the story about Mackenzie and her purse. To our amazement, even though I was there when she bought it and was FLOORED that she did, she bought a $600 purse. Yep, here are the picture to show you and for me to remember that I will NEVER buy a $600 bones purse! But Mack, I think it is a really cute purse! I would want it if I could have it!
That purse is the equalivant to rent at first apartment!!!
Wow...what would I do if I had $600 bones to blow on shiz like that? First off, wouldn't buy a purse. But props to you Mackenzie, many a happy purse day!
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