Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How great are MAC computers!!

I love my MacBook computer. I do, I think they are great computers and should be a spokes person for Mac because I tell everyone about them. Sure it is different than a PC, but it is so much better!
I'm not going to list all the reasons why I love my Mac, but would rather just show you how much fun you can have with a Mac:)

And that is one of the reasons I love my MAC!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


When was the last time that you went laser tagging? Maybe high school or even Jr. High? Mine? It was last night and I had such a blast! I'll be honest I was not really excited to go, but who knew hanging out where a bunch of high school kids go could be so much fun!
A lot of people might not remember the full experience of laser tagging so I'll give you a recap of the event. You walk in, pay and they give you a card which could be red or green. You sit around for a little while and have the chance to play video games in the arcade, kind of like this... You then are called, according to your color of card, to give your "game name". Mine, the first game was DEEBER and the second game (yep, we played twice it was so much fun) was in respect to Kelly off The Office. All of our team members the second round, had The Office names. William=Pam, Sammy=Kevin, Sarah=Angela, Chris=Creed, Rick=Bob Vance, Mackenzie=Jan, and Steve=Michael.
When you have given them your "game name" you are given a plastic key that activates your laser gun.
You are just about ready to play an awesome game of laser tag, but there is one more fun thing you get to do before entering, have a dance competition! The winner of the dance competition gets a FREE game of laser tag. So we danced... And danced some church dance And danced even more
I am sure you are dying to know who ended up winning, well it was yours truly! I basically danced the night away at Laser Quest and won a FREE GAME, so worth it! Until Chris stole my prize, but don't worry I was able to get it back!!
Once you finish the dance competition you are sent into another room where you are given rules like you can't touch anyone, you can't cover your sensors, or sit while playing. It was a fun two games which included me almost running into several walls, Chris, Steve, and Rick cheating by taking their gear off and setting it on the ground, and a bunch of our team charging the other tower freaking a bunch of girls out! Who knew that laser tag could be so much fun! If you happen to be bored one night with nothing to do, make your way to Laser Quest.

600 Bones...

The other night Sarah had a cute boutique at her house with candles, bows, purses, and clothes. It was so much fun to catch up with girls that I haven't seen in a long time and the latest additions to their families.
The full reason I am writing this blog is to tell you the story about Mackenzie and her purse. To our amazement, even though I was there when she bought it and was FLOORED that she did, she bought a $600 purse. Yep, here are the picture to show you and for me to remember that I will NEVER buy a $600 bones purse! But Mack, I think it is a really cute purse! I would want it if I could have it!